
Codeweek Learning Bits

Making and coding

by Ulla Hauptmann

Makerspaces are vibrant hubs where creativity thrives and hands-on projects come to life. When selecting equipment for a makerspace, the focus is on tools such as Calliope mini, Microbit, or Makey Makey, as they offer a wide range of possibilities suitable for students of different ages and skill levels. These boards support the development of creative projects for younger children thanks to their block-based programming languages are available for these boards. For older students, more complex projects can be generated using these boards.

Explore the Learning Bit Making and Coding to dive into the world of makerspaces and foster interdisciplinary skills like teamwork and social collaboration while sparking innovation and enthusiasm in your students!

Makey Makey is a circuit board that converts everyday objects into computer keys. By connecting objects to the board with crocodile clips, which then link to the computer via USB cable (or an iPad with a camera adapter), Makey Makey can open and close electrical circuits between a person and an object. This sends electrical signals that the computer receives as keyboard strokes or mouse clicks. This allows pupils to develop creative inventions such as musical instruments, computer games or interactive posters - the possibilities are endless! Makey Makey and the projects presented in this Learning Bit can be used in both primary and secondary schools to teach skills in areas like media education, computer science, science, physics, music, sport and interdisciplinary skills such as teamwork and social skills.

Step into the exciting world of Makey Makey and unlock boundless creativity in your classroom!

Ready to share what you learnt with your students?

Choose one of the lesson plans below and organize an activity with your students.

  1. Makey Makey meets music: for beginners.
  2. Talking pictures: for intermediate students.
  3. Create an interactive poster: for advanced students.

Do not forget to add your activity to the Code Week Map!

You can easily organize a lesson in your classroom, an open day, or an event at your school. Just find a date and register your activity in the Code Week map. Each activity organizer will get a certificate of participation for their effort.

If you would like to connect with an international group of enthusiastic teachers, join the EU Code Week Facebook group for teachers! To take a step further and collaborate with other schools in your country or across borders – join the Code Week 4 All challenge.