
Codeweek Learning Bits

Code Through Art

by Maria Tsapara

Children are growing up in a complex world that is constantly developing technologically, which requires innovative educational approaches for early childhood educators. These approaches include activities that promote computational thinking and programming from a young age. Research suggests that targeted activities can effectively develop children’s computational thinking and problem-solving skills and at the same time such activities foster their creative expression through technology.

Although the most common strategy for teaching programming involves the use of educational robots, there is also the possibility of programming without the use of a robotics kit (unplugged). This approach can take various forms and include a wide range of activities (pixel art, children in the role of robots, using a floor grid, etc.). These activities offer experiential learning benefits, particularly for young children who learn best through play.

The Learning Bit Code Through Art comprises three lesson plans for early childhood educators and implements an unplugged activity, the use of a Bee-bot educational robot and the invention kit Makey Makey. By using Makey Makey kit students have the opportunity to create tangible interfaces and try different solutions, create, experiment, and strengthen all their learning abilities in a collaborative learning environment.

As Pablo Picasso said “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” Art provides children with opportunities to creatively represent and communicate their ideas and feelings. In this Learning Bit you will find inspiring activities to cultivate your students’ social and 21st century skills through art and coding, to encourage them to express themselves creatively and fostering their imagination . The Learning Bit Code Through Art will enable you to foster your pupils’ creativity, collaboration and problem solving by integrating art and coding.

Ready to share what you learnt with your students?

Choose one of the lesson plans below and organize an activity with your students.

  1. Artful Coding: 4-6 years old kindergarten students.
  2. Creative Code Lab: 4-6 years old kindergarten students
  3. Touch Canvas: Creating Interactive paintings: 4-6 years old kindergarten students; advanced.

Do not forget to add your activity to the Code Week Map!

You can easily organize a lesson in your classroom, an open day, or an event at your school. Just find a date and register your activity in the Code Week map. Each activity organizer will get a certificate of participation for their effort.

If you would like to connect with an international group of enthusiastic teachers, join the EU Code Week Facebook group for teachers! To take a step further and collaborate with other schools in your country or across borders – join the Code Week 4 All challenge.