Waiting for CodeWeek 2021

Publication date: June 18, 2021

Waiting for CodeWeek 2021

Istituto Comprensivo Valle del Conca, Scuola Primaria B. Lunedei (Morciano di Romagna –Rimini ITALY)
Classe 5°A
Blog Post by: Stefania Altieri

During the difficult times of the pandemic that we all experienced, we could count on coding to keep the relationship strong between teachers and students. Lots of fun activities have been developed online, and when possible together in the classroom. We used Scratch to create and remix stories and challenged peers with quizzes and funny jokes.


The pandemic was an opportunity to experience coding and programming at schools, adding value to subjects and topics. In the school year 2020/2021, we linked some coding activities to the Agenda 2030 goals.  We attempted and discovered solutions for new sustainable lifestyles and by doing so, we found that we can help preserve nature and protect our communities through the use of coding.

Students also developed their creativity, collaboration, and participation. They discovered new strategies, developed their critical thinking, and learned while having fun! Robots and artificial intelligence helped them think and explore new possibilities on how to tell stories and be a part of the future.


CodyRoby, CodyColor, CodyFeet are some of the games that were used in our classes and created fun activities and experiences for our students, also using these to create fun competitions. We used coding and robotics to explore and analyses data, to help us understand the world. We Investigated the causes and consequences of the phenomenon and discussed positive and negative reactions.

Students learning how to code can create new things, apps, products as well as improve their future career opportunities, by even creating a new field of expertise that doesn’t already exist.

They will be able to help build a better future for all of us.

This video was made to tell you about our coding activities, waiting for CodeWeek 2021.