to Friday, October 20, 2017 11:29 AM
DJ203C, Mihăileşti, Romania
Technology is causing major societal changes in the world. There are studies that raise awareness about the loss of jobs, but they also underline that fact that new ones will be created. However, in rural areas, where most of the citizens have no digital skills how can one talk of the possibility of new jobs? These citizens are bound to be left behind in this new tech society if we don't act on it. The program that we propose will consist of coding lessons for school pupils in 2 schools in rural area. They will have a chance to build a modular robot and start programing it. The lessons will be organized in the 2 schools in Mihailesti village.
- Primary school
- Robotics
Nearby upcoming activities:
Activitatea este un treasure hunt pe formele educației, folosind coding pentru a spori interactivitatea.
Computational Thinking
Volunteering to reduce functional and computational illiteracy
Storification - Harmony in Words
Elevii au participat la activitatea de Storification, lucrând împreună, fiecare idee fiind pretuita și valorificată. În urma activității, elevii vor scrie câte o poveste pornind de la schema dată. Activitatea face parte din proiectul e-twinning ,,Harmony in Words".