to Saturday, February 8, 2025 5:37 PM
Mentor Kovaci
Open in-person activity
Shkolla 9-Vjeçare Metaliaj, Rruga Begaj, Has, Kukës, 8604, ALB
In order to build a safer online world, we need to prioritize cybersecurity and promote digital literacy among users. Here are some steps that can be taken to achieve this goal: 1. Implement strong security measures: Organizations and individuals should prioritize cybersecurity by implementing strong security measures such as using encryption, firewalls, and antivirus software to protect data and systems from cyber threats. 2. Educate users: Promoting digital literacy among users is essential in building a safer online world. Users should be educated on how to recognize and respond to cyber threats such as phishing emails, malware, and social engineering attacks. 3. Enhance collaboration: Collaboration between governments, private sector, and civil society is crucial in combating cyber threats. Sharing information and best practices can help build a more secure online environment. 4. Enforce regulations: Governments should enforce regulations and laws to hold cybercriminals accountable for their actions. This can serve as a deterrent and help reduce cybercrime. 5. Encourage responsible online behavior: Users should be encouraged to practice responsible online behavior by avoiding clicking on suspicious links, sharing personal information on secure websites only, and using strong and unique passwords for their accounts. By taking these steps, we can work towards building a safer online world for all users. It is important for everyone to stay vigilant and proactive in protecting themselves and their data in the digital age.
Pre-primary education
Primary school
Secondary school
Playful coding activities
Art and creativity
Internet of things and wearable computing
Artificial intelligence
Longitude: 20.315895
Latitude: 42.128923
Geoposition: 42.1289233,20.315895
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Trajnim me rrjetin e mesuesve SHQK mbi politikat e-safety ne shkolle
Trajnim me mesues mbi sigurine online te femijeve te moshes shkollore, futjen e mendimit kritik dhe kodimit ne mesimdhenie.
Siguria online e femijeve te moshes shkollore eshte ne themel te punes bashkepunuese midis shkollave me projekte binjakezuese nepermjet teknologjise ne platfformen ESEP.
Edhe ne projektin tone do te zhvillohen aktivitete sensibilizuese me mesuesit, nxenesit, prinderit dhe te interesuar te tjere per sigurine online te nxenesve.
1- Rregullat e navigimit te sigurte.
2-Mbrotja nga mesazhet phishing.
3-Perdorimi i teknologjise ne mesimdhenie ne menyre te sigurte.
Ju mirepresim!
Siguria online e femijeve te moshes shkollore eshte ne themel te punes bashkepunuese midis shkollave me projekte binjakezuese nepermjet teknologjise ne platfformen ESEP.
Edhe ne projektin tone do te zhvillohen aktivitete sensibilizuese me mesuesit, nxenesit, prinderit dhe te interesuar te tjere per sigurine online te nxenesve.
1- Rregullat e navigimit te sigurte.
2-Mbrotja nga mesazhet phishing.
3-Perdorimi i teknologjise ne mesimdhenie ne menyre te sigurte.
Ju mirepresim!