to Wednesday, February 12, 2025 5:58 AM
Shkolla "Edith Durham"
Open in-person activity
Shkolla 9-Vjeçare Edith Durham, Rruga Sami Frashëri, Tiranë, 1010, ALB
Siguria online e femijeve te moshes shkollore eshte ne themel te punes bashkepunuese midis shkollave me projekte binjakezuese nepermjet teknologjise ne platfformen ESEP. Edhe ne projektin tone do te zhvillohen aktivitete sensibilizuese me mesuesit, nxenesit, prinderit dhe te interesuar te tjere per sigurine online te nxenesve.
1- Rregullat e navigimit te sigurte.
2-Mbrotja nga mesazhet phishing.
3-Perdorimi i teknologjise ne mesimdhenie ne menyre te sigurte.
Ju mirepresim!
Primary school
Employed adults
Unemployed adults
Other (see description)
Unplugged activities
Motivation and awareness raising
Promoting diversity
Longitude: 19.813597
Latitude: 41.320721
Geoposition: 41.320721,19.813597
Nearby upcoming activities:
Gjuha ime, identiteti im
Gjuha shqipe, shprehje e identitetit tonë kombëtar.

New generation on education
The project of this academic year aims to help teachers and students to think and generate ideas in the service of the community, through education. Therefore, the inter-regional projects should be built on the basis of IA.

Programimi në Scratch.
Do te organizohet nje konkurs midis nxenesve pasi jane realizuar disa ore mesimi mbi perdorimin e Scratch.