to Wednesday, December 25, 2024 6:35 PM
Școala Gimnazială „George Coșbuc”
Invite-only in-person activity
Strada Moldovei 30, 540519, Târgu Mureș, Mureș, ROU
Elevii vor învăța, pe parcursul activității să redea mișcarile unui robot, folosind un fond muzical. Activitatea își propune ca elevii să învețe anumite mișcari care să îi revigoreze, pe parcursul câtorva minute
Primary school
Unplugged activities
Nearby upcoming activities:
EU Code Week 2024
Let us collaborate in promoting #CodeWeek. We will use the resources provided and run activities each month, sharing and inspiring other to join as well.
#CodeWeek #fun #inspiration #JOINUS
Hour of code
Vom intra pe pagina codeweek și vom alege ce teme/ activități vor să abordeze fiecare
A digital escape room is a fun and engaging activity to provide content to your students and is a wonderful way to promote the 21st Century Four C’s – communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. In this digital escape room , the students will work alone or together in groups to interact in a story related to the 17 sustainable development goals to solve puzzles, games, and identify information in order to find clues to unlock pages to reveal more content. Students will have to decode some tasks (binary code puzzle, hangman, etc) The ultimate goal is to see who can BREAK OUT of the Escape Room first while solving all of the puzzles correctly and acquiring clues along the way. This digital escape room is for high school students.