Exploring Numbers: From Even and Odd to Fibonacci with Micro:Bit

From Friday, October 18, 2024 1:00 PM
to Friday, October 18, 2024 2:00 PM

Școala Gimnazială Sf. Dumitru, Craiova

Open in-person activity


Calea Unirii 162, 200330, Craiova, Dolj, ROU

In this activity, middle school students will use the Micro:Bit to generate even and odd numbers, learning how to program simple algorithms in the MakeCode environment. After understanding how to create and display even and odd numbers on the Micro:Bit's LED screen, the activity will progress to generating and displaying numbers from the Fibonacci sequence. Students will write a program that calculates and displays each term of the sequence in turn, practicing basic programming, algorithms, and math skills, while also developing creativity and logical thinking.


    Primary school
    Basic programming concepts Hardware Visual/Block programming

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The activities are structured as follows:

- Introduction to sequencing and logical steps

- Working with loops and conditionals

- Final project - Creating an ecological game

Resources used:






More info about our Erasmus+ project: https://ecotechno-erasmus.weebly.com/