Looking for our favorite hero

From Monday, October 14, 2024 9:00 AM
to Thursday, October 31, 2024 4:00 PM

Tallinna Sobrakese Lasteaed

Open in-person activity



Kiili 7, 13424, Mustamäe, Tallinn, Harju Maakond, EST

The activity aims to bring coding and digital literacy to the students in a fun and engaging way in unplugged activities  through a playful scenario:

A message is coming to every school sent by Artchi, a playful little monster, who doesn’t like fairytales at all. Asking for playing with us, he went to every school, entered every classroom and he took and hid the toddlers’ beloved hero and now, he is asking form us to seek and find him, following the clues that he provides us.





  • Choose the fairytaile’s beloved hero of the kids and hide him somewhere in the classroom or in the yard.

  •  Take a photo of this spot, print it on an A4 piece of paper and make a puzzle of six pieces of it. These pieces will be the clues, which must be gathered by the children.

  • Every clue (piece of paper) should have a part of the spot from one side and a question mark from the other. You can also add the blank piece with a question mark because Artchi is a naughty little monster!!!

  • We set the clues on the Beebot map and the kids guide the robot properly in order to collect them all. For schools without robots, the activity will take place unplugged. 

  • The children put in place the clues and they find where the hero is hidden!

  • https://padlet.com/ifyoucome21/looking-for-our-favorite-hero-l8ktrexc3ltc74tw

    Pre-primary education
    Robotics Unplugged activities Playful coding activities

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Solving the riddle
Mon, Oct 14, 2024 9:00 AM

The activity aims to bring coding and digital literacy to the students in a fun and engaging way in unplugged activities as a part of the daily school schedule. This activity is connected with the eTwinning project: Sounds of Nature”. The purpose of this activity is for students to create their paths with unplugged activities or the use of robotic equipment, trying to find the right answer to the riddle .

 Materials and Instructions:


  • Cards with classroom riddles (without the answer)

  • Cards with answers (photos)

  • We set the  on the Beebot map  cards with answers (4*4). Teacher or students read the riddle and the kids guide the robot properly in order to collect the right anwer. For schools without robots, the activity will take place unplugged.

Mon, Oct 7, 2024 9:00 AM


Climate change profoundly affects modern daily life, influencing everything from weather patterns to food security, health, and infrastructure. As the world faces these challenges, promoting sustainability from an early age becomes crucial. Teaching young children about environmental and social responsibility helps them develop the skills and mindset necessary to adapt to new living conditions.

In this coding activity (under the alliance "WE C.O.D.E. (Create Opportunities & Develop Education) that runs since 2020), students are challenged to design their own 'Ecoland' map, adding 2-4 elements they consider essential for a sustainable future. Afterward, they can follow one of two paths:

a)   identify the objects they have added by locating their coordinates on a map,


b) program robots to navigate to these objects. In both cases, the students' narratives can be recorded, enriching the project’s content and fostering their understanding of sustainability and problem-solving skills. Each team can creatively present their results.

Through this interactive and fun activity, students connect the concept of sustainability to everyday decisions, guiding them to recognize how their actions can positively impact the environment while equipping them to face future challenges.



Lego robotite maailm
Tue, Oct 29, 2024 9:00 AM

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Osalevad koolieelikud kolmest rühmast. Lapsed harjutavad koos tegutsemist ja loovad ise välja mõeldud mängukeskkonna.