Pancake Sorting Challenge: International Edition

From Monday, October 14, 2024 3:00 PM
to Monday, October 14, 2024 4:00 PM

Gimnazija 9.maj

Invite-only in-person activity


Ulica Jeronimova 18, 18105, Medijana, Niš, Nišavski, Centralna Srbija, SRB

lycée saint-cricq pau

This activity is part of a collaboration between Gimnazija 9.maj in Niš (Serbia) and Lycée Saint-Cricq in Pau (France).

The activity focuses on sorting a stack of pancakes from largest (at the bottom) to smallest (on top) using a limited flipping action. It includes problem-solving, algorithmic thinking, and communication skills.

The activity is divided into three phases to enhance collaboration between teams and across countries.

Part of the students will be the programmers and they will tell some instructions to other students who will play the role of a robot.

The aim is to build together an algorithm to solve the problem.

    Secondary school
    Playful coding activities

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