to Monday, October 14, 2024 4:00 PM
Gimnazija 9.maj
Invite-only in-person activity
Ulica Jeronimova 18, 18105, Medijana, Niš, Nišavski, Centralna Srbija, SRB
lycée saint-cricq pau
This activity is part of a collaboration between Gimnazija 9.maj in Niš (Serbia) and Lycée Saint-Cricq in Pau (France).
The activity focuses on sorting a stack of pancakes from largest (at the bottom) to smallest (on top) using a limited flipping action. It includes problem-solving, algorithmic thinking, and communication skills.
The activity is divided into three phases to enhance collaboration between teams and across countries.
Part of the students will be the programmers and they will tell some instructions to other students who will play the role of a robot.
The aim is to build together an algorithm to solve the problem.
Secondary school
Playful coding activities
Longitude: 21.900754
Latitude: 43.323803
Geoposition: 43.32380341055,21.900754031679
Nearby upcoming activities:

EU Code Week Hackathon
On March 15, 2025, a Hack-a-thon event for high school students (grades 5–12) will take place. Participants will form teams, develop creative ideas addressing local challenges, and present their solutions. Coding is not required. Mentors will support teams throughout the event, and selected winners will receive awards and recognition.
Състезание PyHero
На 03.06.2025г. от 14:00 часа в НПГ по КТС гр.Правец ще се проведе училищно състезание „PyHero„. Участие може да вземе всеки един ученик от 8 до12 клас. Регламентът на състезанието включва решаване се три задачи с езикът Python за три астрономически часа. Класирането ще бъде по успешно решени три задачи и време на предаване, като за различните класове ще има различни по сложност задачи.
Всеки ученик може да се запише за състезанието, като попълни формуляра за записване

Make Brick klub za mlade inovatore
U subotu 28.9. je počela realizacija projekta Make Brick klub za mlade inovatore koje organizuju Udruženje građana UčenIQ, Odsek za rad sa decom Mense Srbije i Srpsko-korejski informatički pristupni centar .
U Srpsko-korejskom informatičkom pristupnom centru u Beogradu, jednom mesečno biće organizovane besplatne radionice programiranja i robotike za decu od 7-17 godina.
Deca od 10-17 savladavaju edukativni komplet Make Brick (kodiranje koristeći arduino uno i mblock), a mlađi od 7-10 rade sa robotićem Genibot i edukativnim setovima Cubroid.
Projekat će biti završen krajem aprila takmičenjem za učesnike projekta.
Autor i koordinator projekta je Tanja Olear Gojić.