to Saturday, May 31, 2025 7:56 PM
Baksai Általános Iskola
Invite-only online activity
Magyarország Baranya, Baksa Rádfai út 2/a
A kerettörténetbe ágyazott projekt során a jelentkezők korosztályonként havonta egy történetbe ágyazott feladatot kapnak beebot padlórobotokkal végzett tevékenységeken keresztül végzik el a feladatot és töltik fel. Így versenyeznek országosan egymással jelvényeket szerezve a Méh-ész logikai versenyen.
Pre-primary education
Primary school
Playful coding activities
Nearby upcoming activities:
Coolest Projects HU
Calling all young innovators!
If you're aged 0-18, we want to see your amazing creations - whether it's a website, LEGO robot, game, or any other project that showcases your creativity.
Our jury of IT experts will review submissions and award exciting prizes to the most impressive projects.
We’re accepting entries up until December 1st, so don’t miss out!
For more details, visit our website:
Let’s celebrate the incredible talent of young creators!
A méhek titkos élete
Részvétel az Országos Méh-Ész Logikai Verseny Code Week 2024-es kihívásán.
Complex Arduino Coding and Electronics Workshop
The Complex Arduino Workshop will introduce both coding and electronics to children through fun, engaging, and progressive tasks. Some of the topics the children will learn include current, voltage, and digital logic as well as the fundamentals of programming, introduction to sensors and actuators and how to understand both digital and analog signals. The workshop's theme is "Green House" and children will learn more about environment and agriculture.
The workshop will utilize some or all of the following techniques gradually as the projects of the children develop: coding, electronics, 3D printing, laser cutting, and more