Unlock the Power of Artificial Intelligence

From Thursday, October 17, 2024 3:30 PM
to Thursday, October 17, 2024 5:10 PM

Kaunas information technology shool

Open in-person activity



Join us for an engaging workshop that explores the transformative world of Artificial Intelligence (AI)! This interactive session is designed for anyone curious about AI's potential and its impact on our lives. What You’ll Learn:

  • Understanding AI: Get a clear overview of what AI is and how it works.
  • Real-World Applications: Discover how businesses and industries leverage AI for innovation, efficiency, and enhanced decision-making.
  • Hands-On Experience: Participate in practical exercises to build simple AI models and understand their functionality.
  • Future Trends: Discuss the benefits and challenges of AI, and explore what the future holds for this technology in various sectors.
Whether you're a beginner or have some experience with AI, this workshop will equip you with valuable insights and practical skills. Don't miss the chance to be part of this exciting journey into the future of technology! Register now and empower yourself with knowledge that can shape your career!

If you want to participate in the event.

Register by e-mail: martynas.kaselionis@kitm.lt.

Register until 14.10.2024

The number of seats is limited.



    Secondary school Higher Education Employed adults Unemployed adults Teachers
    Software development Artificial intelligence

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Pažintis su algoritmais (Įveik pabėgimo kambarį)
Mon, Oct 28, 2024 2:31 PM

Renginys „Pažintis su algoritmais“ yra interaktyvi edukacinė veikla, skirta supažindinti dalyvius su programavimo pagrindais. Užsiėmimų metu dalyviai išmoks, kas yra algoritmai, praktikuos veiksmų seką ir spręs įvairius galvosūkius. Naudojant žaidybinį mokymosi metodą, dalyviai kurs algoritmus, supras ciklus ir sąlygas, o kiekviena užduotis skatins kritinį mąstymą ir problemų sprendimo įgūdžius. Ši veikla kviečia žingsnis po žingsnio atrasti technologijų pasaulį ir mokytis programuoti kūrybingai!



Let's get to know the animals of the forest!
Mon, Nov 25, 2024 1:55 PM

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As the beginning of October is designated as code week and at the same time we celebrate animals’ day, we could prepare a piece with the animals of the forest, making each school a card with an animal.

Activity title: "Let's get to know the animals of the forest". Children will be able to either use robots or themselves to move through a grid to meet the animals of the forest. It could maybe get more complicated, say the name of each animal in English. That is, each school to draw, record the name of the animal, and create a QR code. Each school will print out the images with the codes and the child will scan each time they reach an image. This will depend on the age maturity and familiarity of the young students with the codes.


The activities will be published in a collaborative video, the link of which will be shared with the group members.

Let's code Christmas together
Fri, Dec 20, 2024 8:10 AM

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