to Friday, October 18, 2024 10:08 PM
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 im. por. Tadeusza Stefaniszyna w Spytkowicach
Open in-person activity
Spytkowice 12, 34-745, Spytkowice, Nowotarski, Małopolskie, POL
“Kodowanie na dywanie” to dla uczniów świetlicy świetny sposób na wprowadzenie w świat programowania w sposób zabawny i interaktywny.
Zabawy i ćwiczenia:
Labirynty: szukanie drogi do wyjścia
Sekwencje ruchów: Dzieci mogą tworzyć sekwencje ruchów dla siebie nawzajem
Primary school
Playful coding activities
Art and creativity
Promoting diversity
Nearby upcoming activities:
Narysuj co czujesz
Zadanie polega na narysowaniu przez dziecko na kartce tego, co nauczyciel rysuje na plecach dziecka.
Schoolnest: Find the hidden star!
The holiday season is an opportunity for schools to discuss issues related to giving back, but also the search for elements that unite people. This action was inspired by the children's book "3 cats and a wish" where the heroes of the fairy tale looked in the sky to find a shooting star and shared a common wish, to remain friends forever.
The purpose of this activity is for students to decode specific paths with unplugged activities or the use of robotic equipment, with the goal of locating where the star is hiding and making a wish for a better future.
-Create a 4*4 square map
-Arrow path placement at the bottom as defined or as chosen by each team
-Using an animated object or robot to decode the path
-Hidden star detection and wishes.
The playful nature of this activity favors the development of decoding and programming skills, while fostering computational thinking in a fun and engaging way.