to Wednesday, December 18, 2024 9:10 PM
Școala Gimnazială ,,Ion Luca Caragiale” Tulcea
Open in-person activity
Strada Ion Luca Caragiale 20, Tulcea, ROU
Copiii vor realiza activități de codare pe tema Code4EU. We will learn more about Europe, Erasmus+, eTwinning, and Code Week. We will celebrate ErasmusDays by organizing coding/robotics events, and promoting European values.We will share our activities in this padlet
Primary school
Basic programming concepts
Unplugged activities
Playful coding activities
Nearby upcoming activities:
EDL Bullying stops here
Bullying Stops Here is an eTwinning project that unites students and educators from various European countries to promote safer and more inclusive school environments. In connection with the European Day of Languages, this initiative will include interactive workshops, creative activities, and awareness campaigns that foster empathy, respect, and kindness. By encouraging cross-cultural understanding and collaboration, we aim to empower students to stand up against bullying and build a supportive community where everyone feels safe and valued.
Ziua nonviolenței în școală
Vom realiza afișe nonviolente, folosind coduri
Activitatea este un treasure hunt pe formele educației, folosind coding pentru a spori interactivitatea.