OFF BEAT ACADEMY_CC50: Coding Into the Algorithmic Age PART II

From Wednesday, October 23, 2024 6:15 PM
to Wednesday, October 23, 2024 7:00 PM


Open online activity



Workshop: Coding Into the Algorithmic Age
Dates: 22/23/24.October Online
This three-day workshop invites women aged 16 to 86 to explore how algorithms have developed from ancient times to their role in today’s world. In 45-minute sessions each day, we’ll look at how algorithms and code are connected to everyday life. Through discussions and creative exercises, you’ll learn how different programming languages and coding ideas can help you imagine new worlds and experiences. No coding experience is needed—just bring your curiosity and creativity.

Day 2 (23.10. 18:15h 45 minutes): The Algorithmic Age and the Role of Code
In this session, we’ll examine how algorithms and code influence almost every part of modern life. We’ll explore various node-based and text-based programming languages and environments, such as Python, Pure Data, Arduino, Touch Designer, and more, used in art, music, and interactive media. Without getting into actual coding, we’ll discuss how these tools help creators turn ideas into reality.
Focus: Understanding how code affects creative and everyday activities.


CODE: cw24-6dECP

CODE: cw24-osJ0i

Bio Workshop Instructor:
Echo Ho, an interdisciplinary artist, resides in Cologne. Her artistic work is characterised by its modular, onomatopoeic, and poetically estranged qualities. It spans a broad spectrum of media, including spatial installations, objects, site-specific interventions, audiovisual compositions, and live performances. Ho engages in a cross-cultural and media-critical perspective, intertwining different concepts and histories of art with their embodied relationship to philosophy and technology. This exploration delves into the power of the old, which is as apparent as the potential of the new. Her work transitions from the ancient instrument, the Qin, and microcontrollers to contemporary Shanshui landscapes and everyday objects, navigating the complexities of identity in a rapidly evolving world. Often, she interweaves historical narratives with the present, focusing on experiential poetics. Ho’s work has been showcased internationally, with exhibitions and performances at the He Xiangning Art Museum in Shenzhen, Center-A in Vancouver, ISEA and ZKM in Karlsruhe, among others. Ho studied at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne and served as an artistic, scientific associate. From 2011 to 2013, she was a fellow at the interdisciplinary „Graduate School for the Arts and Sciences”. From 2023 to 2024, She was a guest professor at the Berlin University of the Arts, teaching time-based art with contemporary technology. She is now pursuing a doctorate at the Tangible Music Lab in Linz, Austria.
Photo ©ke3yi3_performance_still-2024

    Other (see description)
    Playful coding activities Art and creativity

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