From Monday, October 7, 2024 2:34 PM
to Sunday, October 27, 2024 2:34 PM

Gradinita cu PP Nr.33 Brasov

Open in-person activity


Strada Olteț 11, 500152, Brașov, Brasov, ROU

As dori sa initiez o activitate si sa implic mai multi profesori pentru a o desfasura .

Cu codul primit voi incerca sa formez o alianta,sa concept un padlet unde cei implicati sa posteze mesaje,poze cu activitatile desfasurate.

Ce presupune activitatea?

Vor fi 4 modele de fise cu coduri(pixel art).Copiii vor  realize  una sau toate fisele cu coduri si anume:copac,măr,umbrela,frunza.

O alta activitate cu coduri va fi un joc de miscare ,,The fligt of swallows”.

Copiii-randunele vor parcurge traseul cu sageti pentru a ajunge la un loc numit – tarile calde.

Toti copiii trebuie sa ajunga la destinatie,pastrand randul,respectand traseul.

    Pre-primary education Primary school
    Unplugged activities

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Hour of code
Wed, Feb 12, 2025 10:45 PM

Vom intra pe pagina codeweek și vom alege ce teme/ activități vor să abordeze fiecare 

Tue, Nov 5, 2024 6:26 PM

A digital escape  room is a fun and engaging activity to provide content to your students and is a wonderful way to promote the 21st Century Four C’s – communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. In this digital escape room , the students will work alone or together in groups to interact in a story related to the 17 sustainable development goals  to solve puzzles, games, and identify information in order to find clues to unlock pages to reveal more content. Students will have to decode some tasks (binary code puzzle, hangman, etc) The ultimate goal is to see who can BREAK OUT of the Escape Room first while solving all of the puzzles correctly and acquiring clues along the way.  This digital escape room is for high school students.

Coloram,decodam, aflam...
Mon, Nov 18, 2024 10:51 PM


 I did a decoding activity. The students were happy and curious to know what they would get.