Board game "Let me travel around Europe"

From Monday, October 7, 2024 8:00 AM
to Sunday, October 27, 2024 11:55 PM

Budasevo Topolovac Gusce Primary School

Open online activity


Trg Marijana Šokčevića 1, 44000, Budaševo, Sisak, Sisačko-moslavačka županija, HRV

Each small (2-3) group of students should write a “Code” – instructions to help him get to a specific country!

They may start either from the beginning (where he stands now), or may choose a specific country to start!

    Primary school
    Playful coding activities

Nearby upcoming activities:

Kodiramo s Ozobotom
Wed, Oct 23, 2024 2:00 PM

Učenici će samostalno osmisliti putanju kojom će se robot kretrati crtanjem kodova u boji.

Can You feel The (Algo)rithm
Tue, Oct 15, 2024 9:00 AM

The aim of the event is to provide the students with the necessary knowledge and understanding of the algorithms in the online environment, algorithms application, the awareness of the existence of risks and biases as well as the benefits that their usage brings.

The expected outcomes of the event are:

- to understand, explain and define the concept and the implications of algorithms in the online environment (knowledge)

- to practise creating one's own algorithms and while applying them to distinguish and question their positive and negative characteristics (skills)

-to  develop critical viewpoint and understand the complexity and challenges of algorithms based on the knowledge and experience gained by creating them (attitudes)

A short description:

In the introductory part students complete an online Mentimeter survey on how much they know about algorithms. 

Then they  are introduced to other activities of the event. They are:

- creating one's own algorithms using the website  

- applying algorithmic storytelling  using a robotic (algorithmic)approach 

-discussing questions and concepts in connection with algorithms (risks and benefits of algorithms, algorithmic bias etc.)

- completing Quizlet quizzes for revision and understanding

In the process, they use Padlet board for sharing  the answers to questions after each phase:  1 How would you describe an algorithm in everyday life? 2 What is an algorithm in the context of the technology, the Internet and the AI? 3 What is algorithmic bias to you? 4 Where can we see algorithms in online services? 5 What would be the benefits and what are the risks of using algorithms?




 The activities include individual, pair and group work.







Unapređivanje vještina korištenjem alata AI
Mon, Oct 14, 2024 12:22 PM

Učenici drugih i trećih razreda dobili su zadatak istražiti popis online alata umjetne inteligencije: od prevođenja jezika, pomoći u uređivanju video klipova do  prepoznavanja slika. U istraživačkom radu ovi alati omogućuju učenicima i nastavnicima da učinkovitije obavljaju zadatke, povećavaju produktivnost i unaprijede svoje vještine.

U prvom koraku istraživanja učenici su, prema ponuđenom izboru alata, kreirali sami svoj zadatak.

Ponuđena je sloboda izbora prema različitim interesima mladih ljudi u dobi od 16 i 17 godina.

Primjeri tipova zadataka: dodati boje na crno bijele fotografije, sastaviti recept od sastojaka koje učenik ima u hladnjaku, pretraživanje naslova knjiga i odlomaka knjiga, izrada realističnih videozapisa od fotografija, stvaranje memova za izražavanje misli i emocija, generiranje videa bez teksta.

Nakon realizacije zadatka učenici su dobili u zadatak prezentirati svoja rješenja.

Na kraju aktivnosti, učenici su, alatom rubrike, vrednovali  radove drugih učenika u razredu prema kriterijima i sastavnicama alata. Rezultati su objavljeni javno na intranetu.