40th Cloudflight Coding Contest (CCC)

From Friday, October 25, 2024 10:00 AM
to Friday, October 25, 2024 7:00 PM


Open in-person activity



Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Linz, Oberösterreich, AUT

Hello all coding aficionados,

For the 40th time, we are organizing the Coding Contest (CCC), one of the biggest competitions of its kind in Europe.

JKU Linz, Keplergebäude, HS1 is a very special location because this is where CCC was born and is still a very present location to this day.

The CCC is first of all about the celebration of coding and coders and supporting the community. We code together - we grow together.


Our team has prepared two unique and engaging games for you:

  • #School Track:

    • For students up to 19 years old,
    • 2-hour coding challenge and
    • compete solo or in teams of up to 5.
    • If you still feel energized, we'd love you to stay and participate in the #classic track.
  • #Classic Track:

    • Open to coders of all ages and experience levels,
    • an algorithmic game after the #school track in the afternoon. Compete alone or in a team up to 3.


Let's come together and celebrate coding!

    Secondary school Higher Education Post graduate students Employed adults Unemployed adults Other (see description) Teachers
    Basic programming concepts Web development Mobile app development Software development Data manipulation and visualisation Other Playful coding activities Visual/Block programming Game design Internet of things and wearable computing Motivation and awareness raising Promoting diversity

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