Coding in wraparound club

From Monday, September 9, 2024 3:30 PM
to Monday, October 14, 2024 6:00 PM


Open in-person activity


Easingwold Road
YO61 4TZ York

Wrap around - Coding sessions focus on problem solving activities. The wrap around care kids have been busy programming their own game designs over the last term with Caroline. They have really enjoyed the independent learning they have been doing along the way and the problems and 'bug fixing' they have had to overcome with their algorithms. This is a session focused in small groups of children a wrap around care who show an interest. This group includes children who english isn't their first language, children from low socio-economic backgrounds and Ukranian refugees. One Ukranian Refugee child who lost his father on the front line before moving to the UK has likened his coding practice to the work his uncle is doing back home with drones. He hopes to be able to joint the war efforts when he is older using the coding skills learnt in the UK. He is 10 so of course we all hope and expect the war will be over by then. However to the other children it highlights the importance of these skills outside the games they make (which is of course their motivation)

    Other (see description)

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