to Saturday, October 26, 2024 12:00 AM
OŠ Trnsko
Open in-person activity
Trnsko ulica 25, Zagreb, Croatia
Ucenici ce u Pythonu crtati drzavne zastave (Poljska, Ukrajina, Nizozemska, Njemacka, Madjarska, Italija, Belgija, Francuska, Japan, Banglades, Palau, Benin, Bahami, Laos, Kolumbija, Finska, Svicarska, Madagaskar, Ceska, UAE, Grcka, Izrael).
Primary school
Playful coding activities
Nearby upcoming activities:
Programiranje s programom Scratch in Pišek
V sklopu poučevanja neobveznega izbirnega predmeta računalništva, na naši šoli otrokom predstavimo programiranje z delčki. Uporabljamo programa Pišek in Scratch. Otroci se naučijo osnov programiranja in algoritemskega razmišljanja.
Let's make a cake to celebrate 20th eTwinning birthday
Let’s make a cake to celebrate 20th eTwinning’s birthday
1. Each team prepare a part of a cake and decorate it
2. Put the parts of the cake in a map
3. Give instructions to BeeBot to collect the parts of the cake
4. Upload your photos in the link
A birthday cake for eTwinning
Let`s make a cake to celebrate 20th eTwinning`s birthday instructions:
1. Each team prepare a part of a cake and decorate it
2. Put the parts of the cake in a map
3. Give instructions to BeeBot to collect the parts of the cake
4. Upload your photos in the link