ΕΧΑΙ - 2023 XMAS ACTIVITY "Which periodic element are you?"

From Monday, December 11, 2023 8:30 AM
to Friday, December 22, 2023 1:00 PM

1st Arsakeio Senior High School of Psychico

Open in-person activity



Αρσάκη 1, Ψυχικό 154 52, Ελλάδα


eTwinning project "Exploring AI in the classroom"


Let's make an engaging activity to highlight the periodic table and celebrate XMAS!

Want to give it a try?


FIRST STEP - Find a "Which periodic element are you?" Quiz

There are many options out there, quizzes are usually really engaging and create opportunities for learning withing the classroom. There are a lot of ready-made options out there, so we present here a couple of suggestions. Do feel free to use another one if these ones don't suit your needs:

  1. Which Periodic Element Are You Based On Your Random Preferences? (buzzfeed.com)

  2. Which Periodic Element Are You? | HowStuffWorks

  3. Which element on the periodic table are you? (playbuzz.com)


At the end of the quiz, you will get which is your element based on your selections and some flavor text. For instance, I did quiz 2 and got: 

Carbon - Carbon is the sixth element of the periodic table, but it is also the key to life as we know it. All life is carbon-based because Carbon combines so well with other elements. It makes chemical chains possible. You are like carbon because you have unique skills in social networking. You get along with everyone, and you make sure that everyone's work is running smoothly.


SECOND STEP - Use an image generator AI tool

There is a plethora of AI generators out there, so please do use your preferred one. To try keeping things very simple my suggestion is the Bing generator. But don't hesitate to use another tool. 

To create images with Bing you can use the Bing Image Create which is an AI-powered tool that generates images based on your prompts. 

You can access the Bing image Creator on your browser:

Generate an image of an avatar of the Carbon periodic element based on the following text:  Carbon is the sixth element of the periodic table, but it is also the key to life as we know it. All life is carbon-based because Carbon combines so well with other elements. It makes chemical chains possible. You are like carbon because you have unique skills in social networking. You get along with everyone, and you make sure that everyone's work is running smoothly.

Choose from the four images the one you like the most or try again! 

This is my image: 

Εικόνα που περιέχει στιγμιότυπο οθόνης, γραφιστική, γραφικά, τέχνη  Περιγραφή που δημιουργήθηκε αυτόματα


THIRD STEP - Show it to the world!

Post it in this DigiPad https://digipad.app/p/598311/a54490f8975a5 so we have all the images and flavor texts together. 

 Thanks for your time and enjoy the last days of the term!



 202312 Periodic table XMAS activity - An activity coming from STEM group https://school-education.ec.europa.eu/en/group/stem/pages/202312-periodic-table-xmas-activity created by RAFAEL MONTERO.

    Secondary school Higher Education Post graduate students Employed adults Teachers
    Artificial intelligence Motivation and awareness raising Promoting diversity

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