Morse Code with the micro:bit

From Sunday, October 8, 2023 12:00 AM
to Wednesday, October 18, 2023 12:00 AM

OŠ " Svetislav Golubović Mitraljeta"

Invite-only in-person activity


Osnovna skola Svetislav Golubovic Mitraljeta, Ulica Brace Smiljanica, 11273, Batajnica, Beograd-Zemun, Grad Beograd, Centralna Srbija, SRB

During this activity, students will learn to create secret messages using Morse code. Some of them will make presentations about Morse, telegraph and Morse Code and the way it was used in the Second World War.  Student will learn how to create and send secret Morse code messages with the micro: bit. They will discover the Morse code alphabet in a fun and entertaining way, and have fun coding the micro: bit with this simple code. Programming the micro: bit and using microelectronics can help to engage students and give them useful skills to face different kinds of problems, as well as to develop critical thinking and computational skills.

    Primary school
    Visual/Block programming

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