to Sunday, October 22, 2023 5:00 PM
Secondary School "Zaharia Stancu "
Open in-person activity
Rosiori de Vede, Teleorman, ROU
We will celebrate ErasmusDays by preparing an eTwinning project in which we organise coding / robotics events, art and language activities and we will share them with other teachers and pupils.
Pre-primary education
Primary school
Basic programming concepts
Art and creativity
Game design
Motivation and awareness raising
Promoting diversity
Nearby upcoming activities:
Storification - Harmony in Words
Elevii au participat la activitatea de Storification, lucrând împreună, fiecare idee fiind pretuita și valorificată. În urma activității, elevii vor scrie câte o poveste pornind de la schema dată. Activitatea face parte din proiectul e-twinning ,,Harmony in Words".
Computational Thinking
Volunteering to reduce functional and computational illiteracy
Let's make a cake to celebrate 20th eTwinning's birthday
Each team prepare a part of a cake and decorate it
Put the parts of the cake in a map
Give instructions to the Robomouse to colect the parts of the cake
Upload your photos în the padlet