Power BI from Zero to Hero by Tun'Up Munich

From Sunday, October 22, 2023 10:00 AM
to Sunday, October 22, 2023 2:00 PM

Tun'Up Munich e.V.

Open online activity


Adolf-Hackenberg-Straße 18
81737 München

The event, "Power BI from Zero to Hero," organized by the association Tun'Up Munich e.V., is an interactive and hands-on workshop aimed at young people between the ages of 16 and 25. The primary goal of this session is to introduce participants to the captivating world of data analysis and visualization using Microsoft's powerful tool - Power BI. Throughout the workshop, participants will learn essential skills that are crucial for working with data in today's data-driven era. The content of the event will cover the following topics: - Introduction to Power BI and its importance in data analysis and visualization. - Data importing, cleaning, manipulation, and visualization using Power BI. - Understanding data modeling and utilizing DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) to gain insights from data. - Exploring other powerful features of Power BI that empower data professionals to analyze data effectively. The event is thoughtfully designed with a theoretical section to lay the foundation of Power BI's fundamental ideas. One of the unique aspects of this event is the practical project component. Participants will have the opportunity to work with real-world data. The target group for this event is young people who are interested in data science, data analysis, and visualization. No prior experience in data analysis or Power BI is required, making it accessible to beginners while also offering valuable insights to those with some data analysis background. This event is special for the target group as it not only provides theoretical knowledge but also offers practical experience by working on a real-world project. Participants will gain hands-on skills in data analysis and visualization, setting them on the path to becoming proficient data professionals. -- Tun'Up is a social and humanitarian non-profit organization that aims to promote a better education in Tunisia.

    Other (see description)

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Weitere Details zur Anmeldung:
Anmeldung per E-Mail an stb.giesing.kult@muenchen.de.