"Write a story using chatGPT"

From Monday, September 18, 2023 9:00 AM
to Monday, October 16, 2023 9:30 AM

Escola D. António de Ataíde

Open in-person activity


Castanheira do Ribatejo, Vila Franca de Xira, Lisboa, PRT

20 minutes:
1-Students get together in groups of 4.
2-With the help of the teacher, who previously talks about the narrative elements of a story, each group of students gives the guidelines for the story.
For example: group 1 writes that the story has 3 chapters, the main character is Joana. She travels to Italy and meets Pinocchio. In the last chapter, there is an unexpected surprise.

30 minutes:
3-Each group invents the name of the protagonist, who likes to travel, the travel destination, and historical/invented figure found. The unexpected surprise is also invented by the students.
4- ChatGPT writes the story.

40 minutes:
5- At the end, each group reads its story using chatGPT and votes for the most original story.

OPTIONAL- Later, each group can make a bookcreator with their story and make it available online on the class website.
Assessment is formative. Self and heteroevaluation. Positive reinforcement from the teacher.

    Primary school
    Web development

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