Dancing in the chessboard

From Wednesday, December 14, 2022 8:00 AM
to Wednesday, December 14, 2022 3:30 PM

European School of Munich

Open in-person activity


81549, Munich

The activity is part of the eTwinning project "Out of the chessboard: an innovative way of reading, playing and programming". It is a simple and funny unplugged activity for preschoolers and early primary school students.

Students will dress up like chess pieces and perform the   #CodeWeekDance in order to reveal their robotic super powers that will allow them to solve all the chessboard mysteries and challenges that will come in their way during the project.

The purpose of the activity is students to:

·       Get to know the chessboard pieces

·       Understand in an experiential way sequencing and computational thinking

·       Familiarize with the concept of coding

·       Make their first step in coding in a funny and playful way

    Primary school
    Unplugged activities Playful coding activities Art and creativity

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