Animation Movies

From Tuesday, November 8, 2022 2:30 PM
to Tuesday, January 24, 2023 5:00 PM

Escola Secundária de Paços de Ferreira



Rua das Escola Secundária, 4590, Paços de Ferreira, Porto, PRT

Students will be given a challenge about animation. For one month (8 sessions), students will investigate character types, locomotion, movement and scenaries and produce different kind of outputs.

This activity can be adapted to different teaching modalities: online (with everyone connecting from a different laptop), face to face (in a traditional setting with educator and students are in the same place) or hybrid (with some students joining online and some from the classroom.

- Training, through gamification, the researched contents.
- Develop a product, in order to help students to evolve from passive consumers to digital creators;
- Use the principles of Gamification because reinforces learning by providing accessible steps to achieve a goal.

Materials required:
Paper, pencil, mobile phone.
Apps that use Artificial Intelligence (sketchdemolab, Zepeto)
Apps that use Augmented Reality (Zepeto, 3DBear, ARLoopa)

Steps do take and Content of the activity

The student will draw a character on a piece of paper and photograph it using a mobile phone. The teacher will indicate a tool ( where the student will upload the photo and proceed to study the movement of their character, selecting the desired movement.
The students will investigate the 3D caracters, using and developing Augmented Reality (using Zepeto, por example).
Afterwards, the student will make a storyboard and produce a short video in the form of Stopmotion, using the application Stopmotion Studio.
Finally, the students will share the product on the school website, so that it is accessible to everyone.

Formative Assessment:
I will assess the Skills and competencies developed by students: Critical thinking; Problem-solving skills; Self motivation; innovation, creativity and collaboration

    Secondary school
    Art and creativity Augmented reality Artificial intelligence

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