We encode and decode texts with hieroglyphs

From Thursday, September 29, 2022 10:00 AM
to Monday, October 10, 2022 2:00 PM

1ο Γυμνάσιο Αιγίου

Open in-person activity


Grigoriou E' 1, 251 00, Aigio, GRC

Students from C1 and C3 ICT class that participate in the eTwinning project "Eratosthenes 2022" accepts the challenge from the French partners to use the coder tool they have created and to code short messages in hieroglyphs and post them in a dedicated forum. These short messages summarize knowledge and facts based on the experience the students had during their participation in the project.

In a second step, the students that participate in the forum will try to decode their partners' messages.

The activity helps student understand the process of encoding and decoding, and  the tools built by project partners capture the character-code mapping process and the conventions used.


    Primary school
    Data manipulation and visualisation Art and creativity Motivation and awareness raising

Longitude: 22.07942
Latitude: 38.25072
Geoposition: 38.25072,22.07942

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