to Sunday, October 17, 2021 10:30 AM
Geniko Lykeio Tycherou
Invite-only in-person activity
Lykeio Tycherou, Kolokotroni, 680 03, Tychero, GRC
Think circular: reduce, reuse, recycle!
This activity gives students the opportunity to learn how to work in order to raise environmental awareness in their school and the local community, to get familiar with the three R's ('reduce', 'reuse', 'recycle'), and to program interactive stories and/or animation with Scratch.
Secondary school
Motivation and awareness raising
Nearby upcoming activities:
Mindful eating. Meaningful lives
The focus is on using technology to foster awareness of food choices, eating patterns, and their impact on physical, emotional, and mental health and to
introduce students to basic coding
Veliköy MTAL Bilişim Bölümü Kodlama Öğreniyor
10.sınıf seviyesi öğrencileri ile görsel ve blok tabanlı programlama uygulamları yapılacaktır. Ayrıca Ardiuno eğitim setleri üzerinde örnek proje uygulamla çalışmaları yapılacaktır.
Atatürk Ortaokulu Kodluyor
5D ile eğlenceli akış şemaları