Target the Cube

From Sunday, October 10, 2021 12:00 AM
to Sunday, October 31, 2027 12:00 AM

Ahlcon International School

Open online activity



Expected Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to create an app on and will get an introductory experience of coding in a safe environment.    BIG QUESTION: How do I create a coding app myself on    Materials required: Computer/Laptop with internet access.    The flow of activity: Create an account on Click on the given link and remix the activity, edit it as per your wish.    Or you can also create a new app by clicking on create button on the home page of and choosing Game Lab. You can share your app with anybody to play or remix.    Success Criteria: At the end, students will reflect on their learning by answering the given question:  Now I Can: Create any app using coding on Yes  No

    Primary school Secondary school
    Playful coding activities Game design

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2nd International Conference on Materials for Green Future
Mon, Apr 28, 2025 1:24 PM

It is a great pleasure and honor to invite you to our second International Conference on Materials for Green Future which will take place in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
A high-level and inspiring program will explore inter- and transdisciplinary aspects of green and sustainable materials. The Conference will provide an opportunity for the presentation of updated results related to both theoretical and applied research in the field of Materials Science and Nanotechnology bringing together scientists from academic institutions and industry and promoting professional interactions among participants and new cultural proposals can grow up for the positive development of the conference and for the intellectual growth of all the participants.
The committee will do the best for selecting high quality paper in order to guarantee a high quality technical program. You can expect a very stimulating, fruitful and enjoyable time in Chiang Mai. We look forward to welcoming you in Thailand for the International Conference on Materials for Green Future.

Mon, Oct 7, 2024 12:01 AM

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Fri, Oct 20, 2023 9:00 AM