CodyColor con ActiveViewer

From Tuesday, October 19, 2021 11:00 AM
to Tuesday, October 19, 2021 12:00 PM

Università di Urbino

Open in-person activity


Via Bruno Buozzi 2, 58022, Follonica, Grosseto, ITA

Giocheremo in diretta con CodyColor. L'attività sarà coordinata online da Alessandro Bogliolo, che utilizzerà ActiveViewer, lo strumento utilizzato per condurre CodyTrip, per permettere la partecipazione attiva di tutte le classi.

    Primary school
    Unplugged activities

Nearby upcoming activities:

TECH&ART for youngster
Fri, Sep 27, 2024 10:00 AM
WAV-e recently completed an intervention of digitalisation of a small museum in the historical centre of Grosseto. The available equipment now present includes a VR corner, interactive monitors, haptic technology and 3D portable scanner. With the intent of bringing the younger generations close to the cultural heritage and of supporting the familiarisation with the available technologies applied to cultural sites, the events are connected to the wider WAV-e objective of creating a network of pupils and students to develop STEM capacities to contribute to the cultural and social growth of the town. In connection with the WAV-e activities for social inclusion, such as the "social orchestra" for marginalised neighbours and migrants, the events will be promoted in these communities to ensure the inclusive participation of every group. WAV-e is also partner of CSOs engaged in activities in support of people with disabilities, whose presence will be then guaranteed during the events. During the events, the participants will have the opportunity to test the VR visor to navigate the drawing collection of the museum; they will interact with the drawings via the haptic station and, finally, for the youngsters, they will enjoy a session on minecraft on a 100 inch touchscreen display. Together with the Local public library and the Art Museum of the town, the events will be advertised and information on how to register shared via social media and in cooperation with the Department of education of the city council. The event is special because is absolutely new in town, and there is a growing attention on the application of technologies to reduce barriers for PwD in accessing arts and culture. The event is part of the wider strategy of social and technological innovation for an equal growth of the town; due to continuous flow of migration, Grosseto is changing and the needs of social cohesion are constantly increasing.
Mon, Oct 14, 2024 8:00 AM

Gli alunni della Scuola dell'Infanzia, della Scuola Primaria e della Scuola Secondaria di I grado si cimenteranno in varie attività, volte allo sviluppo del pensiero computazionale, attraverso contesti didattici e ludici, in cui esprimere emozioni e creatività. Parteciperanno anche alle gite on line CodyTrip 2024-2025.

COBOL Ladies: il Mestiere di Programmatrice
Fri, Oct 25, 2024 9:00 AM
Schede perforate, prompt nudi, schermi catodici a due colori. E' il fascino del retrocomputing! In questa talk conosciamo Monica e Valeria, programmatrici in pensione. Ci spiegheranno le basi di COBOL: un linguaggio quasi in disuso eppure ancora essenziale per la manutenzione e la sicurezza di alcuni sistemi e database. Come tutti gli attrezzi ben progettati e raffinati dall'uso, anche COBOL non finisce mai di dare e di stupire. Stabile, logico, sicuro: sembra fantascienza retrofuturibile in epoca di release disinvolte, cloud computing e crash mondiali. EPPURE, COBOL RESISTE. n.b.: evento valido come PCTO/Alternanza scuola lavoro per l'ITT Marco Polo di Firenze, l'ITT Meucci e gli altri Istituti Professionali superiori convenzionati con Lofoio