to Thursday, October 21, 2021 7:30 PM
EU Code Week Team
Open online activity
Brussels, BEL
Join us for this workshop during which we will show educators how they can bring Inclusive App design to their classroom, with an activity suited for pupils from 5 - 18 years of age.
Great apps start with great ideas. You can join Europe Code Week 2021 carrying out this one-hour Inclusive App Design Activity, which will introduce students to the world of coding and app development. In the activity, which you will learn to carry out during this workshop, students will come up with an app idea connected to a topic they care about, then discover how to design with inclusion and accessibility at the centre of their app design. After completing the activity, educators can go further with Apple’s coding resources for educators and students.
The workshop will be conducted in English but the resources are available in 12 languages: English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
You can find out more about the Inclusive App design activity, that is part of the EU Code Week Challenges at this link:
Miriam Walsh is a digital media and coding teacher who teaches creativity and coding across schools in her local community. She is currently in the role of Technology Enhanced Learning Co-Ordinator at Cork Education and Training Board and is excited about the possibilities of using technology to reach all learners.
Dr. Steve Bunce is an experienced educator and author. He has taught in primary and secondary schools in the UK and covered many roles including Head of Computing and Senior Leader. He is a proud to be an Apple Distinguished Educator and Apple Professional Learning Specialist.
Matt Hanlon is an educator, coach, author, and software engineer. He's written software that lives on your laptops, phones, iPads, televisions, in your browsers. He wants to make sure that you can fulfill the promise that #EveryoneCanCode, just with a bit of hard work and perseverance.
Are you an educator, and interested on how to bring this simple activity to your classroom?
Here is the link to register:
Basic programming concepts
Mobile app development
Playful coding activities
Longitude: 4.35609
Latitude: 50.84439
Geoposition: 50.84439000000003,4.3560900000000515
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· Project Progress and Key Milestones
· Gender-Inclusive Practices
· Introduction to the Handbook and Toolkit
· NuGamers Framework development
For more information visit the events page:
This event is open to anyone interested in gender inclusion.
The NuGamers wants to empowering VET providers to create Gender-Inclusive Gaming Education. Visit our website to know more about what we are doing.