#SuperCoders in Chisinau (Municipal Library)

From Sunday, October 22, 2017 10:00 AM
to Sunday, October 22, 2017 1:00 PM

Orange Moldova, in partnership with Novateca/IREX, National Center of Personal Data Protection, with the support of the Technical University of Moldova, implemented by Educational Advising Center


Bulevardul Ștefan cel Mare și Sfînt 148, Chișinău 2012, Moldova

In 37 regional libraries from Moldova, about 740 kids aged 10 - 14 years will participate to coding workshops in their region and 740 of their parents will be involved in trainings dedicated to the online security for their kids. #SuperCoders is a programming workshop specially designed for kids ages 10 to 14 years, to make the first steps in the code world in a way as easy and fun as possible. The purpose of the workshop is to teach them how to use time spent on the computer in a useful way. For one day, the little ones learn to create animations, interactive stories and games with the drag & drop technique, using the SCRATCH programming language. They also get acquainted with the first programming concepts and mathematical logic to transform their ideas into creations. 37 teachers of Informatics, trained by the facilitators from Technical University of Moldova teachers, explain the basics of the Scratch language and provide examples of animations and games. Thus, with the help of facilitators, at the end of the workshop, participants are able to present their own creations. The participation in the workshop is free of charge. At #SuperParents workshops, which run parallel, adults learn the benefits and risks of the virtual world, but also how to secure the online security of their children. They are supported by librarians, previously trained by the experts of the National Center of Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Moldova. During the workshops, they trainers provide the parents a series of tips on how to properly implement the principles of personal data protection. This way, parents develop their digital skills, being informed about the main parental control tools and the online environment risks for children.

    Primary school Employed adults Unemployed adults
    Playful coding activities Motivation and awareness raising

Longitude: 28.830857
Latitude: 47.026069
Geoposition: 47.0260694,28.83085749999998

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