GRIDS Code17

From Monday, October 9, 2017 1:03 PM
to Friday, October 13, 2017 1:03 PM

GRIDS research group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade de Aveiro


Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal

As world and life evolve, programming is becoming an essential tool for all fields of science and even life itself. This is an increasingly encompassing fact in engineering fields, with computing and automation truly augmenting tools and processes. GRIDS Code17 will provide a series of workshops where programming skills will take the center stage. From mobile apps to the internet of things, from motion physics to numerical simulation and optimization, several topics will gravitate around the focus on software development and programming. Applications will feed awareness, in an interactive and dynamic fashion. This is thought out for a broad audience, with little or no programming background, where you’ll only need the will to learn and an engineering knack.

    Secondary school Higher Education
    Basic programming concepts Mobile app development Software development Other Playful coding activities Internet of things and wearable computing Motivation and awareness raising

Longitude: -8.657506
Latitude: 40.630302
Geoposition: 40.6303024,-8.657506000000012

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Projeto que tem como objetivo principal desenvolver o pensamento computacional dos alunos através de linguagens de programação baseadas em blocos (Scratch e ubbu). Promove o pensamento crítico e a literacia digital, capacitando os alunos para a utilização criativa e responsável das tecnologias digitais. Incentiva a cidadania digital segura, através de práticas como a criação de palavras-passe seguras e o respeito pelos direitos de privacidade e autor. Além disso, o projeto estimula a criatividade com a produção de artefactos digitais e utiliza a metodologia STEAM (Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia, Artes e Matemática) para resolver problemas reais de forma colaborativa e interdisciplinar.

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