"AI tools in Physics"

From Thursday, March 25, 2021 10:00 AM
to Tuesday, April 13, 2021 7:00 PM

Tehnička škola

Open in-person activity


Ulica Eugena Kumicica 55, 35000, Slavonski Brod, Brodsko-posavska zupanija, HRV

Outcomes and goals are achieved through Project-Based Learning. In Project-Based Learning, students create their own tasks, individually, in pairs, or in small groups. The activities provide the conditions for making steps independently, making some steps together through cooperation, and for creativity. I first talked to the students: 1. The goal of the next lesson is to show the physical law in one of the AI tools. 2. For the lesson, arrange and form pairs to work with. That step 3. Each pair, select in which AI tool you will display the physical law for calculating the oscillation period. 4. You choose the AI tool according to your affinities and your abilities. Students are organized to work in pairs. Now, each pair agrees which of the tools they will use to complete the task. In conversation with students, they suggest their choices: Phyton, Visual Studio 2019, Excel, Unity. The role of teachers in the project:  set goals and tasks of the selected topic,  encourage students to creative research,  lead the planning process,  propose modern and current contents and methods,  encourage the socialization of students and, together with them, critically evaluate the results. The role of students in project development:  is the initiator for work in accordance with their interest and abilities,  actively plans all stages and workflow,  seeks solutions to problems,  participate in self-assessment and evaluation of work results.

    Secondary school
    Visual/Block programming

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Aktivnosti su planirane u 4 radne etape. Prvu aktivnost provode svi učenici individualno, a ostale aktivnosti su organizirane za rad u četiri skupine.

1. aktivnost - preoblikovanje Morseovog koda u binarni kod, šifriranje riječi i razbijanje šifriranih riječi (individualni rad)

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4. aktivnost - svi tekstualni zadatci (4 različita zadatka) su postavljeni na Digipad.

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