to Saturday, October 24, 2020 11:00 PM
Liceul Atanasie Marienescu
Open online activity
Grupul Școlar Atanasie Marinecu, Strada Nicolae Titulescu, 315400, Lipova, Arad, ROU
This event. will introduce you to Wakelet, show you how to use the platform, and introduce you to just some of the many ways you could use it. It is also linked to a Twinlive Event:
Primary school
Secondary school
Employed adults
Art and creativity
Motivation and awareness raising
Longitude: 21.6934
Latitude: 46.09248
Geoposition: 46.09248000000008,21.693400000000054
Nearby upcoming activities:

Inspiring Museums/ 18th of May Museums Day
1. Students show the way to the museum with the help of arrows. 2. Students discover the words by deciphering the given code.

Országos Méh-Ész Logikai Verseny
Részvétel az Országos Méh-Ész Logikai Verseny gyakorlófeladatának megoldásában.

Water day
we will code with labirinth and drops of water from paper and arrows