Cody & Roby - Numeric expressions

From Monday, October 19, 2020 12:00 AM
to Friday, October 23, 2020 12:00 AM

Sónia Abrantes Explicações

Open in-person activity


Santa Maria da Feira, Aveiro, PRT

Estimated duration: 1 hour per game Age group: primary school students Learning objectives, skills and abilities: This class presents a programming activity without the use of computers (unplugged), involving students in a competitive / cooperative game that lets them know the basic principles of programming. The students will be developing skills and competences like: coding, computational thinking, digital creativity and critical thinking. They will also develop mathematical reasoning and the basic rules of operations with numerical expressions. Ativities and roles During this activity, students will: • Putting cooperation and competition into practice • Understand the distinction between the role of programmer (Cody) and that of robot (Roby) • Familiarize yourself with the concepts of microinstruction and instruction set • Learn that a sequence of microinstructions can solve a problem • Test the accuracy of a given program by simulating its execution • Understand that programming involves more thinking than technology • Apply the operating rules of simple numeric expressions The teacher gives instructions, helps and makes observations whenever necessary. What resources are needed? • One kit «do it yourself» CodyRoby • Large table as a game board • Paper and pencil Learning space Classroom. Starting/ending date of the activity The activity happen between 19th October and 23rd October. Class preparation: Note: students can participate in all preparatory stages 1. Download and print the CodyRoby charts 2. At the table, prepare a path composed of square mosaics 3. Ask students to write simple numeric expressions and their resolution, one per student Description of activities Instruction set If this is your first time using CodyRoby cards with your students, make sure that everyone knows the meaning of each card and how to put them in a sequence. To do this, assume the role of Roby and ask each of your students to give you instructions. Then follow the instructions and ask them to explain the meaning of each card. You can also ask the group of students to assume the role of Roby and instruct them to move forward together. Roles and scenery Each match involves two teams competing to help a student (the teacher or a student). Assign the student's role and form the two teams. The student executes the instructions (in the role of Roby) and the two teams give the instructions (in the role of Cody). Place the student at one end of the path and one of the numeric expressions at the other end. If the path has multiple branches, you can place a resolution phase at the end of each branch and ask the student to choose the one they think is the correct one. Place all the cards on an equidistant table from the teams. Rules and way of playing The student asks for information to arrive at the solution he thinks is the correct one. Both teams have to think about the correct sequence of instructions and form that sequence. Once a team has completed the sequence, it can be given to the student, who will test it under the supervision of the other team. If the sequence is correct, the team in question wins the game. If the sequence is not correct, they will have to analyze the error and try again. Additional resources related to this game are the free «do-it-yourself kit» CodyRoby for programming activities without using computers (unplugged), and this game example: a silent video showing a match from «The race» (The race).

    Primary school
    Unplugged activities

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