to Friday, October 23, 2020 7:00 PM
Gimnazija "9.maj" Nis
Invite-only online activity
Gimnazija 9. Maj, Ulica Jeronimova, 18105, Medijana, Nis, Nisavski Okrug, Centralna Srbija, SRB
The idea is that within this year's EU Code Week, students of the specialized department for students with special abilities in computer science and informatics in high school (IT Department) present to elementary school students programming in programming language C and introduce them to the importance of this programming language and what distinguishes it from the other languages, which is why it is still relevant. The idea is for all activities to be organized during this period within eTwinning project "Learn C in Code Week" and to take place through videoconferencing classes within the eTwinning live platform and the exchange of presentations and tasks.
Primary school
Secondary school
Basic programming concepts
Nearby upcoming activities:
Popularnost kvizova je očigledna. U bilo kom okruženju, na bilo kom mestu... zašto ne i na časovima. Na ovoj radionici učenici će napraviti projekat koji će omogućiti da onaj koji prvi pritisne dugme prvi i odgovara na postavljeno pitanje. Koristiće Arduino razvojno okruženje i malo znanja iz elektronike i programiranja. A onda će probati da li sve to radi.... I silno se zabaviti !!! Pridružite nam se.
The popularity of quizzes is obvious. In any environment, in any place... why not in classes.In this workshop, students will create a project that will allow the first to press the button to be the first to answer the question. It will use the Arduino environment and some electronics and programming knowledge. And then they will try to see if it all works. ... And have a lot of fun!!! Join us.
ETWINNING PROJECT WHAT THE TREE IS TELLING ME through research cognitive activities and stories connects the wonderful plant and animal world with steam activities. After the conversation "What do children know about a tree?", each partner in the project will carry out coding activities in their own way and join the coding week.
Robotika i aktivnosti bey kompjutera
Kodiranje uz pomoć robota i rad na nastavnim člistićima kodiranja.