Lego WeDo workshop: Ocean Pollution

From Monday, August 17, 2020 10:00 AM
to Friday, October 16, 2020 10:00 AM

Hunyadi Janos Elementary School

Invite-only online activity


In this event, children will borrow our Lego WeDo sets and if needed tablets, too, take them home and build Lego We Do models in small groups. We will be connected via Skype or Zoom or social media to give general information about the sets and software, discuss the details and help the groups if they encounter any difficulties. First, they will be encouraged to play, experiment and try things out. Then they will imagine, plan, build and improve Lego We-Do robots that use motors and sensors to solve a series of real-world engineering problems. They will be encouraged to build a prototype to help alleviate the problems of ocean pollution such as helping to remove the amount of plastic or trash found in the ocean. In the end, the groups will present their prototype and their solution to the dire problem of ocean pollution.

    Primary school
    Basic programming concepts Robotics Visual/Block programming Motivation and awareness raising

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