9th World congress on Addictive Disorders & Addiction Thera

From Monday, March 9, 2020 9:00 AM
to Tuesday, March 10, 2020 5:00 PM

Conference series

Open in-person activity

Holiday Inn Rome Aurelia, Via Bogliasco 27, 00165, Roma, ITA

9th World Congress on Addiction Disorders and Addiction Therapy The 9th World Congress on Addiction Disorders and Addiction Therapy during March 09-10 2020, Rome, Italy. Addiction Congress 2020 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Addiction Disorders and Addiction Therapy. Addiction Congress 2020 Prime motto is to address the challenges in creating a more secure, sustainable and affordable system for Addiction patients, and health through consolidating the underpinning Addiction Therapy research platforms. Addiction Congress 2020 conference prepares a ground for seeding new ideas and nurturing knowledge through discussions and analysis on Addiction Disorders & Therapy. Addiction Congress 2020 is planned to be a perfect rostrum for prominent practitioners from Psychologists, Neurologist, Therapists and various practices of Addiction Disorders to showcase the advantages and importance of Therapy. Scheduled with a vision of promoting the Natural practice implemented as a therapy is going to play its own role in the development of applicability of Addiction Congress as there will be a integration of outstanding and ingenious scientists with enthusiastic graduates from all the related fields. Through the theme: "Exploring innovative ideas and remedy solution for Addiction Disorders". Addiction Congress Strategy 2014 to 2023: The WHO Addiction awareness Strategy 2014–2023 was developed and launched in response to the WH Assembly resolution on Addiction. The strategy aims to support Members States in developing proactive policies and implementing action plans that will strengthen the role Addiction Therapy and awareness plays in keeping populations away from drug abusing. Conference Tracks: Track 1: Addiction Track 2: Addiction Psychiatry and Mental Health Track 3: Addiction Therapy Track 4: Addiction Rehabilitation & Recovery Track 5: Alcoholism and Addiction Track 6: CNS and Addictive Disorders Track 7: Addiction Induced Brain Disorders Track 8: Dual Diagnosis – Mental illness Co happening with Substance Abuse Track 9: Addiction Pharmacology Submit your speaker presentation/ Poster presentation/ Branding and marketing opportunities proposals @: https://addictioncongress.psychiatryconferences.com/abstract-submission.php Your presence at this conference is important to us. We look forward to seeing you there. Contact details Ryan Patrick Program Director Addiction Congress 2020, Rome, Italy E: addictioncongress@brainstormingmeetings.com; addictioncongress@europemeets.com T: 0-800-014-8923 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-patrick-16073a192/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scarlett.bary.7

    Higher Education Post graduate students Employed adults Unemployed adults Other (see description)

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