to Thursday, October 17, 2019 10:00 AM
Colegiul Național „Constantin Cantacuzino” Târgoviște
Open in-person activity
Strada George Cair, Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, ROU
The event is to introduce STEM in the Romanian language hours. We will have four workshops. - TRAINING to find out WHO is OZOBOT, WHAT he does, HOW he does Students discover information about the smallest robot that can be controlled through the universal color language. After that, students will receive color coded cards. Ozobot will demonstrate after color codes work. 2 - DRAW THE CODE! Students are proposed to draw (write) codes to program Ozobot, to write different letters of the alphabet, placing colors in different sequences and sending them clear commands. AND (for differentiation) Make drawings in the color codes Ozobot and schedule it to follow. 3. OZOBOT tells the story The teacher prepares a plan with a story map. During this time (or the students) tell the story, Ozobot follows the route (eg, making the story much more attractive. 4. CODE with OzoBlockly Program freely (on the tablet) with Blockly and upload the code to Ozobot by placing it on the display.
Primary school
Playful coding activities
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Storification - Harmony in Words
Elevii au participat la activitatea de Storification, lucrând împreună, fiecare idee fiind pretuita și valorificată. În urma activității, elevii vor scrie câte o poveste pornind de la schema dată. Activitatea face parte din proiectul e-twinning ,,Harmony in Words".
Computational Thinking
Volunteering to reduce functional and computational illiteracy
Let's make a cake to celebrate 20th eTwinning's birthday
Each team prepare a part of a cake and decorate it
Put the parts of the cake in a map
Give instructions to the Robomouse to colect the parts of the cake
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