Block programming

From Monday, September 30, 2019 12:00 AM
to Tuesday, October 1, 2019 12:00 AM

JU Srednja ekonomsko-ugostiteljska škola

Invite-only in-person activity

Vuka Karadzića, Niksic, Montenegro

Kids will get basic ideas about programming and creating computer games. It allows children to create interactive media such as stories, cartoons, games. Users can share, collaborate and create content, enabling children to constantly express themselves creatively, learn how to think systematically, and apply basic computer science knowledge. Children will master elements of this programming language that allow them to interpret Scratch and use it to create their own programs, animations, games. The goal of the program is to make each child a simple game made up of animations and the basics of computing. The idea is to show students what structures they exist in. The note and what structures they learned earlier reminds them. Better yet, they can first study algorithmic structures like this and then adapt them when formalizing the algorithm material. Other block groups refer to working with variables, to special ones character behaviors (sounds, movements, glances) and for drawing on stage. The goal is to master the technique of sorting blocks into scripts and getting to know the blocks we can most easily use to tour. An example will be given in the steps in the tutorial to be taken.

    Secondary school
    Basic programming concepts

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IT GIRLS je školska sekcija koja svakog petka od 13:15 do 14:00 ima aktivnosti u Osnovnoj školi Kiseljak. Aktivnosti se temelje na izradi različitih projektata uz pomoć ARDUINO opreme od same skice, dizajna, hardvera pa do softvera projekta.


Sekcija je dio IT GIRLS inicijative i namjenjena je djevojčicama ali je pohađaju i dječaci. Ideja je da se što više djevojčica uključi u svijet programiranja i kodiranja.

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