Updated Heritage Promotion

From Monday, October 7, 2019 1:00 PM
to Thursday, October 17, 2019 3:00 PM

Planeta Petrila

Open in-person activity

Casa de Cultură Ladislau Schmidt, Petrila, Romania

Purpose of the event: to familiarize young people with technology The activities we will carry out are aimed at the young people from Petrila, where there is a great lack of specialists and resources in the field of information technology and technology. We will organize a series of 4 meetings, during which the young people will find out how different knowledge and technologies can be combined, in a common project, as follows: What is and how to do computer graphics? We will carry out, within a workshop, the graphic presentation of a traditional Romanian peasant house. What is and what can be done with a 3D printer? How to make a 3D printing? We will print the components of the traditional house made graphically. What is and what can be done with a BBC Micro: bit? We will create a welcome message that we will attach to the traditional box. How can we use technology to promote our traditional cultural values? We will create a layout, presenting the traditional house executed with the help of computer graphics, 3D printer and Micro: bit kit. Facilitators: Cîndea Nicoleta, teacher, ECDL accredited Chința Radu, graphic teacher Sibișanu Remus, IT consultant Apostoiu Buru Alin Constantin, 3D design teacher

    Primary school
    3D printing

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