Let's Start Coding!

From Saturday, October 5, 2019 7:00 AM
to Sunday, October 20, 2019 11:30 PM

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 37 w Zabrzu

Open online activity


Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 5, Zabrze, Poland

European Coding Week under the slogan Let's Start Coding! is a series of initiatives in which the entire local community will be able to develop computational thinking through participation in various activities, such as: - coding on the Code platform. org - creating games and animations on the Scratch platform - offline coding using robots - OZOBOTs - online coding on the Ozoblockly platform - offline coding using CodyRoby games The workshops will be directed to the students of the Primary School No. 37 in Zabrze, to teachers of the school and teachers of pre-school and kindergarten education from the city of Zabrze, we will also invite parents of students and their grandparents to play. We will lead a special cycle of classes for children from the kindergarten next to us. As part of the workshops, we will be happy to organize an initiative to which other school groups will be able to join - for example, the CodeWeekEU 2019 animation competition in Scratch - It is possible to establish eTwinning cooperation.


    Pre-primary education Primary school Secondary school Other (see description)
    Basic programming concepts Robotics Unplugged activities Playful coding activities Art and creativity Visual/Block programming Game design Artificial intelligence Motivation and awareness raising

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