We make robots

From Friday, October 11, 2019 12:00 AM
to Monday, November 11, 2019 12:00 AM

8th Primary School of Drama, Greece

Invite-only online activity

Drama, Greece

Description: Build Your Own Robot: This unplugged activity teaches children two very basic concepts of coding: algorithm and sequence. An algorithm refers to a set of step by step instructions for performing a task. A sequence refers to the order of steps in an algorithm. • Step 1: Build a Lego figure using the lego bricks. • Step2: Make the two kids sit opposite to each other on two ends of the desk. Place the partition wall or the cardboard piece in the middle of the desk. Give the completed Lego figure to one child (the Programmer) but make sure that the other child (the Computer) doesn't see it. • Step 3: Give the desired pieces of Legos to the other child (the Computer) • Step 4: Then ask the Programmer to give one instruction at a time to the Computer to build his robot. • Step 5: The job of the computer is to build his robot without seeing the model and only listening to the Programmer’s instructions. • If they are unable to recreate the Lego robot with the given instructions, they will realize that there is something wrong with the instructions and need to go back and check them again. This is a key concept of coding called debugging. • The difficulty level of this game can be increased by giving the Computer more than the desired Lego pieces. The computer has to choose only the desired pieces and reject the undesired pieces according to the Programmer’s instructions.


    Primary school
    Robotics Unplugged activities

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