Awareness for the importance of coding

From Monday, June 10, 2019 8:00 AM
to Friday, September 20, 2019 7:00 PM


Open online activity

Rua Professor Carlos Cachulo e Costa, Buarcos e São Julião, Portugal

Awareness raising with local school teachers to become available to actively participate with as many classes as possible in CodeWeek2019 activity. The aim is to give them as much useful information as possible so that they can integrate, even if once a week in their classes something related to computational thinking, preferably having to do with programming, even not teaching subjects directly linked to the technological teaching. The use of technology within the classroom is imperative, and pedagogical resources will have to tend in that direction. It will certainly make teaching more enjoyable for teachers and students, while at the same time endowing students with other skills. At the limit use programming (Scratch or other visual) to get students to increase their logic and problem-solving skills here, 2x per month. For this purpose we will give a series of lectures, we will have an associated profile on facebook ( and we will have a monthly column in a local newspaper about programming and teaching.

    Other (see description)
    Basic programming concepts Software development Unplugged activities Playful coding activities Art and creativity Visual/Block programming Motivation and awareness raising Promoting diversity

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