Meet my city Bitola

From Monday, October 14, 2019 9:30 AM
to Monday, October 14, 2019 11:00 AM

OU"Braka Miladinovci,, Dedebalci

Open in-person activity

Dobrushevo, Macedonia

With the help of a unplagged coding game CodyRoby students are introduced to the cultural and historical monuments of their city. Namely, two teams of tour guides compete who will show the correct path to the tourist to the monument.

    Primary school
    Unplugged activities Playful coding activities

Nearby upcoming activities:

Кодираме роботче
Mon, Sep 9, 2024 12:00 AM

Активноста се состои во кодирање на патека на робот. На патеката се поставени карти со броеви. Учениците го програмираат роботот да оди од број до број така што збирот на проевите низ коишто поимал да биде даден број. Во зависност од возраста се поставуваат броевите. 

Romeo and Juliet balcony
Thu, Apr 4, 2024 12:00 AM

A pixel art activity revealing the balcony from Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet".

Poison and dagger
Thu, Apr 4, 2024 12:00 AM

A pixel art activity revealing the poison and dagger that killed Romeo and Juliet in Shakespeare's play.