to Tuesday, December 31, 2019 12:00 AM
Open online activity
Agrupamento de Escolas da Venda do Pinheiro, Venda do Pinheiro e Santo Estêvão das Galés, Portugal
As a EU Codeweek Leading Teacher for Portugal, and in my free time as a writer on 3D Printing, Tech and education for Bi2Geek, a portuguese portal about science and technology, I'll dedicate a series of articles about coding and robotics in education. The goal is raising awareness of the general public, going beyond educational contexts. Tag for the articles: Articles already pubished: - coding, robotics and computational thinking; - portuguese opensource and DIY educational robotics projects.
Other (see description)
Motivation and awareness raising
Longitude: -9.233813
Latitude: 38.926072
Geoposition: 38.9260724,-9.2338128
Nearby upcoming activities:

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Construção de Pontes
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UBBU Mentes Digit@is / @ulaDigital
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