Mali programeri

From Monday, February 4, 2019 12:00 AM
to Thursday, May 30, 2019 12:00 AM

OŠ "Aleksa Đilas Bećo"

Open in-person activity

Mojkovac, Montenegro

Introducing students to the basics of computer programming and creative thinking through the creation of animations and video games, on a platform adapted to their age, so that later children would be ready to learn more complex programming languages; developing creative and logical thinking, out of the box and quickly solving tasks; solving complex problems with the help of computers and robots, and turning their own creativity into interactive reality; strengthening students' self-confidence through learning programming that allows them to express themselves in different ways.

    Primary school
    Basic programming concepts Robotics Playful coding activities Game design Motivation and awareness raising

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IT GIRLS je školska sekcija koja svakog petka od 13:15 do 14:00 ima aktivnosti u Osnovnoj školi Kiseljak. Aktivnosti se temelje na izradi različitih projektata uz pomoć ARDUINO opreme od same skice, dizajna, hardvera pa do softvera projekta.


Sekcija je dio IT GIRLS inicijative i namjenjena je djevojčicama ali je pohađaju i dječaci. Ideja je da se što više djevojčica uključi u svijet programiranja i kodiranja.

Code and draw
Mon, Jan 22, 2024 12:00 AM

The students will draw different objects, animals, things they like and code.