Dissemination Activity ESA Workshop

From Sunday, February 10, 2019 12:00 AM
to Friday, April 19, 2019 12:00 AM

School No 1 Mizil


Scoala Gimnaziala Nr1 Mizil, Prahova Str.Mihai Bravu Nr. 104

Between 21 and 23 November, I participated in a robotics workshop organized by ESA, Belgium. During the workshop I participated in classroom activities, we made robots using LEGO WeDO hardware and software and used them for " a mission on Mars. "The workshop also featured Astro Pi, a Raspberry Pi computer used for programming in a space context. We have had an extraordinary experience of learning through discovery and experimentation. The Romanian team has worked with Greek and Portuguese teachers. After attending the workshop, I became more aware of the importance of studying cosmic space. I will carry out activities to promote the benefits of space and spatial education where students and teachers will learn about astronaut craft, a planetarium, an astronomical observer, and how to build its own rover.

    Primary school Employed adults

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